Goals & Objectives

This Agreement aims to ensure that the proper elements and commitments are in place to provide consistent IT service support and delivery to the Customer by Global IT. This Agreement seeks mutual agreement for IT service provision between Global IT and Customer. The objectives of this Agreement are to:

  • Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles, and responsibilities.
  • Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of service provision to the Customer.
  • Match perceptions of expected service provision with actual service support & delivery.

Service Agreement

The client determines detailed service parameters by selecting Basic, Professional, or, Elite. Parameters can be customized to suit the client's needs. The final defined SLA is the responsibility of Global IT in the on going support of the Agreement. A final, client-approved quote, master services agreement (MSA), and SLA will require digital signatures for acceptance.

Service Scope

Global IT will provide Customer with the following IT Services :

Unlimited Remote Support ( Mon – Fri 7am – 6pm )
Unlimited On-Site Support( Mon – Fri 7am – 6pm )
Emergency After-Hours Support
24×7 Support
Backup Monitoring and Administration
Drive Space & Event Log Monitoring
Service Availability Monitoring
Database & Critical Applications
Microsoft Exchange, 365
Printer Network Management
Software & Microsoft Patch Management
Log File Maintenance
Asset Management
Budget Forecasting, Hardware/Software Purchases)
Project Tracking, CAPX planning
Anti-Virus, Anti-Adware Software Management
Anti-Virus, End-Point Licensing
User Account Administrator
Restricted File Sharing
Security Administration
Compliance Implementation & Adherence
Compliance Implementation & Adherence Attestation – Advanced HiTrust, HIPAA, NIST, Etc.
Virtual CISO, Cyber Security Evaluation and Insurance attestation
Unlimited Remote Support( Mon-Fri 7am – 6pm)
Unlimited On-Site Support(Local Areas Only)
Emergency After-Hours Support
24×7 Support
Microsoft Application Support
Specialty Application Support
Mobile Device Support
Software & Patch Management
Microsoft Patch Management
Asset Management
RMM Device Reporting
Core device dashboards, logging & metrics (Real-Time, Historical Trending)
Anti-Virus Software Management
Anti-Virus License
Compliance Implementation & Adherence
Compliance Implementation & Adherence – Advanced – HiTrust, NIST, ISO
Unlimited Remote Support ( Mon-Fri 7am – 6pm )
Unlimited On-Site Support ( Mon-Fri 7am – 6pm )
Emergency After-Hours Support
24×7 Support
Uptime/Connectivity Monitoring
ISP Management
Router Management
Firewall Management
VPN Management
Switch Management
Network Peripheral Management
Wireless Access Points
Backup & Recovery of Device Configurations
Firmware Updates
Compliance Implementation & Adherence
Compliance Implementation & Adherence – Advanced – HiTrust, NIST, ISO
Project Management
Monthly Project & MSP Reporting
Weekly Project & MSP Reporting

Service Term

The term of this SLA (Service level agreement) will coincide with the approved quote term defined. In the event the agreement is not timely terminated by either Party ninety (90) days before the end of the Term, the Agreement shall automatically renew for subsequent one-year terms unless terminated in accordance with the below section.

Service Management

Effective support of in-scope services is a result of maintaining consistent service levels. The following sections provide relevant details on service availability, monitoring of in-scope services and related components.

Service Hours

Coverage parameters specific to the service(s) covered in this Agreement areas follows:

Telephone Support: 24 X 7 X 365 Email and on-site Support: 8 AM X 5 PM – Monday – Friday

Hours can be extended to meet clients’ scheduling and will be reflected on the final quote and MSA.
These do not include project requests and after-hours works outside of the scope of services.

Service Requests

After-hours services are billed at overtime rates per the type of resource(s) used unless the Customer has opted for Elite services. In support of services outlined in this Agreement, the Service Provider will respond to service-related incidents and requests submitted by the Customer within the following time frames:

Remote Support

Category Description SLA Response
Emergency Entire Company Down 0-1 Hour
Critical Department or Critical App Down (Multiple Users) 0-2 Hours
Normal Single User Down or Affected 0-4 Hours
MAC Install, Move, Add, Change 0-3 Business Days (scheduled)

On-SiteSupport  ( On-Site Support SLA begins when a non-site intervention is deemed necessary. )

Category Description SLA Response
Emergency Entire Company Down 0-2 Hours
Critical Department or Critical App Down (Multiple Users) 0-4 Hours
Normal Single User Down or Affected 0-Next Business Day
MAC Install, Move, Add, Change 0-5 Business Days (scheduled)